Thursday, May 15, 2008

Mommy's day (weekend)

Hadlee Loves to help mommy. She fights with me over the Vacuum and the broom the most.
Hadlee helps mom get the house clean
before we get started on our weekend!

Dezi had the family up for a bbq. Awesome! We only go up there once a year. Last year I hated the drive, this year I found it to be a pretty nice drive. We all had a great time at Dezi's, good food, good company, and of course the 4 wheeler!!
This was Hadlee's first time on the 4 wheeler

and she did pretty good.

Daddy had to help her turn, but yay for her!!

AJ was a trooper and pulled

Hadlee, Parker and Kelton on the wagon!

My Favorite picture: Hadlee and Parker on the 4 wheeler.

Cool Riders!!

My Mothers day was pretty nice. Hadlee went to church with Grandma and Grandpa. She made me my first ever mothers day present. It was awesome!!

I am so proud of this Drawing!


Hobbs Family said...

She is so cute, I could kiss her face off! Hope that she is liking her Hot Wheels! I hope that we can come visit soon so I can see her on it. Maybe for the baby blessing.