Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Overwhelmed and Underpayed

Growing up I never really got the jest of being a (good-**SPECTACULAR**)Homemaker. I have been doing this for 4 years and still have NO CLUE what I am doing. I am at a loss and really have no way of knowing what is coming, what is going, what is up or down. I talk to my friends or read their blogs and so many of them (you) seem to have it so together! I do realize, however, that we all have our trials and by no means do I hold anyone on a pedestal. I have just spent so much time trying to figure out how to do this for myself. Organize myself, Organize my family, get my finances worked out, teach my child like she deserves, and take care of myself and my own health and well being....ect. ect. Don't get me wrong, I think I do an ok Job. I cook dinner, clean the house, play with and teach my child and recently have been bumping myself further up on the priority list. I need to get rid of the chaos and get myself organized. I am driving myself crazy. I need some serious help. Really.