Monday, January 19, 2009

A lot of blabbing...

For some reason I have found it incredibly difficult to find something to write about on this thing. I am thinking it might be because of the negative energy that flows through me on a daily basis these days (those of you that have been lucky enough to be graced with my presence know what I am talking about). But today, today I thought I would update myself and all of you lucky readers on the things that are going on in "casa de hofeling".
For starters, I just wanted to thank the higher ups that the holidays are over!! I didn't do any of the baking I had bought and planned for (so if any of you need chocolate chips, mallow fluff, coconut or the likes you know where to find it) BUT I did have alot of opportunity to spend alot of time with the people that I love. People that I am completely blessed to have in my life, people that are so wonderful to me that I don't know how I would get through life without, oh and I spent some time with other less important people too (haha jk).
Man are we really already 19 days into the new year! WOW! Well that means My daughter has been 19 days potty trained (even at night) no diapers, and only 2 accidents (ok maybe 3) but really hardly any!! I am so proud of my little pip squeak!
Sam, is really busy these days, you know he has video games to play and camping trips to make. Yup wish I was that busy....LOL
I on the other hand, am lucky to be helping in the planning of my cousins babyshower, and we have some really cute things planned out (that unfortunatly I can not share here, as I have been sworn to secrecy by my aunt, and who knows if snoopy bones will be reading this!! But I can't wait to share pictures of our creation from yesterday.....
Uh yeah I also want to be a suspense writer.....
blabby blab.....
OK what else...........
Oh man, ok maybe I should start updating this thing more often....LOL
Take it easy!!!


Hobbs Family said...

Thanks for the update..i'm planning my sister in laws baby shower so I'm going to have to get those secrets out of you one eway or another!!